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Functional Audit Introduction

One of the most deceptive teachings originating from the false doctrines of psychological discipline, is that emotions are the primary reasons to describe human characteristics or behaviour.

These theories have been indoctrinated into our belief system, creating a false understanding of human behaviour or functioning; meaning that we have been led to believe that we can scientifically define or quantify human behaviour through individual's emotions.


Research has proven and is an undeniable fact, that emotions are secondary to the inner feelings. Therefore emotions are an expression through behaviour, which is the combination of the cognitive, physical and conative (will-power) function. In simple terms emotions are a by-product of the cause. Some people express their feeling very easily (extravert) through their emotional behaviour, and others suppress these emotions (introvert) to the extent that it becomes impossible to detect their true inner feelings or to get a clear understandings of what their true holistic functioning is all about. 


We experience our awareness in terms of space and time. We are aware of who we suppose we are and how we should live. I say we suppose that we know, justified by the fact that we have been indoctrinated into believing that we have some form of fabricated mental disorders, all diagnosed through the Diagnostic Statistical Manual and not through the medical sciences.  The truth and the reality is that no manual can diagnose anything; so no behaviour becomes anything close to a mental disease or alternatively referred to as a mental disorder.  That is not what diseases are. It is simply a fabricated means of selling psychotropic drugs. 


Your behaviour will be different to all the billions of people around the world, the reason being through the sciences, it has been proven that we all are created uniquely different, one of a kind and irreplaceable. Therein lies your true values, you are priceless. The truth of the matter is that emotions are actually the expression of how you feel inwardly. There is no science in emotions at all, as it is an expression of an inner feeling, which is subjective to whether you are an introvert or extrovert.  What test can anyone do to measure either of these facts.?  


Your emotional behaviour will be completely different to anyone else's within the same environment. So let the so-called experts explain to us, how they managed to scientifically discover, the characteristics of a unique individual as normal and how does one arrive at any sensible outcome through emotions?

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