Functional Intelligence
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Functional Auditing
Only Researched Natural Answer to Human Behavior
Compatible Dating
Are you dating a person that is compatible with your Values ?
Do you know and trust the person you are dating?.
How would you know, who your partner really is, other than through hearsay or perceptions?
Is your date or partner honest, reliable and responsible?
Rather be safe than sorry! We can scientifically answer the above questions for you!
Research has proven that a very large percentage of relationships end up in disputes with many different reasons, which can lead to unkind, painful, abusive or violent consequences all through false perceptions.
We need to ask ourselves a very important question. What causes the conflict between people, who once loved each other and after a little while conflict suddenly raises its head due to unrevealed conflicting values.
In all instances these conflicting values are definitely going to effect all the associated family members for the rest of their lives.
The graph above shows how critically important it is, to have a good understanding between the comparison values between partners. This is the cause for the majority of family break ups world wide.
looking at another comparison figure below, you will notice that there are two distinct value over each value. Starting from the beginning which is Ability Utilisation. The very first red bar is the most important value to the wife. All the first bars on the diagram, are the wife's values in order of importance or preference on a scale of 0 > 100.
Making this easier to understand, notice that the most important value for the Wife is "Ability Utilisation" and the least important is Cultural Prejudice. On the other hand the most important to the Husband is the second Yellow bar, under the heading shown as "Authority". At the same time the wife also has a very high sense of the same value. This will lead to huge conflict. Both will try and control each other.
Camparison Values
We have only looked at two values so far. We do not intend dealing with all these value except for one more that is "Risk" versus "Morality or Personal Standards" this is indicated by two little arrows. Notice that the husbands "Person Standards" are very low, which means the candidate has a very low regard to his Ethical standard, meaning he has very little regard for the things that would make him trustworthy, responsible or reliable.
On the other hand his risk value is highly motivated, meaning he is a very high risk taker and is a very serious risk to anyone who deals with him.
This particular candidate being the Husband had sexually abused his nine year old step daughter and had defrauded a major Organization in New Zealand, in excess of Two Million Dollars.
The consequences of such behaviour devastated the elder son, who ended up committing suicide, the family split was a most challenging time, for the wife who was left homeless, and in a very serious state of depression. At the same time this dear sole was also trying to support her abused daughter.
How in the world did this happen? The Husband's employers when employing the husband did all the necessary tests, references and three seperate stages of interviews.
The reality in this example are never used when getting romantically involved with a person and at the same time not one single recruiting organization understands or knows anything of substance about the hierarchy of the Job Values and comparing them with those characteristics of the employee.
The ideal solution is to determine each individual's personal values before marriage, or before employing anyone, in order to predetermine what the compatibility between the parties are before bonds are formed, so as to build a unified family or organization through a system that has been scientifically validated for both validity and reliable.
The Affect of Psycho-Social Anthropology
Feelings of depression, causes helplessness and or worthlessness which are all false belief systems, which effects each one of us at different stages of our life's history.
Does that make us all mentally ill?
Sometimes due to environmental circumstances our state of functionality can change in seconds and the consequences of such events can last a lifetime.
We are a supportive group who are there to help people, by giving people a full background on who they are, and through they would be able to receive the skills to enable them to function optimally. Clearing up the principles that all the negative activities that one takes on board can be overcome easily, once one has a clear understanding of what makes them tick, or function.
Each one of us feel down or depressed at different times in our lives, however, those feelings are induced by various environmental factors, which can change your behaviour in seconds. If you loose a friend or family member or even a pet, you may become heart broken or feel insecure, helpless, or worthless. Those inner feelings come from the senses in the body which are : what you see, what you hear, what you feel, taste or smell. All known as your five senses.
Without those senses our frontal lobe cannot function. The frontal lobe does the rational thinking in order for us to make informed choices, which are choices that are decided by the relative individual's values, which are based on the importance of those beliefs within their inner soul. (heart)
Not one of your senses can be measured in order to determine any form of Mental Disorders or feelings. You would have to tell your doctor or physician how you feel or think. He cannot test you for any form of chemical imbalance of the brain or for any behavioural problem. The truth is, it is not a mental disease, because that is not what diseases are! Every real disease can be measured or discovered through blood, urine or Imaging processes.
Why then do we go to Medical Science for help, when one is feeling sad, depressed or inadequate?
The answer to that question has a very simple answer. Marketing!!!.